Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Montana UFO's and Extraterrestrials- recommended reading

A few weeks ago, I was at the library, (that being the Livingston -Park County Public Library) doing some research.  After I finished and my computer was installing its automatic updates, I had a few minutes to kill so I wandered upstairs  to see what was new in the new book section.  Usually I check to see if there are any new arrivals from my favorite authors as well as anything relevant to Montana history.  As I was browsing the selves, I came across a book entitled  Montana UFOs and Extraterrestrials.  I picked it up and looked at it and set it down again.  I am not sure why I hesitated, I suppose partially because I really have plenty to read and partially because I thought I didn't  want to waste my time reading about something that may or may not even exist.

For some reason I mentioned the book to my husband and he said that he would like read it, so the next day I went back and checked it out. When I brought it home I took a closer look.  What first caught my attention was the credentials of the author, Joan Bird.  Ms. Bird is about as far from being a crackpot as a person can be, she holds a PhD in biology and has worked the scientific field for years.  She has approached the topic in a well researched and organized manner. Her facts are well documented and  the book is interesting and thought provoking.  My husband hasn't had the chance to tell me what he thinks of the book because once I started reading it, I didn't want to put it down until I was finished. 

I can even justify the time I have spent reading the book and then writing this post for my Montana History blog by telling you that  the events that are documented in Montana UFOs and Extraterrestrials is in fact part of Montana history.

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