Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Killing Time in Montana's Past

If you have ever had to spend several hours in a waiting room, you know that it can be grueling.  I do it for almost five hours three times a week while my husband undergoes his dialysis treatment.  I know I should be working on my new book or some other more productive pursuit, but sometimes I just need a diversion. While trying to pretend I was doing something worthwhile, I started doing random searches on Google for historical photographs of Montana. Now I find myself doing it each time I sit down at the computer to work. I have made a little game of it to test my Montana history knowledge. When I see picture that interests me I try to figure out as much as I can before I click on the photo.  

Sometimes I just enter a broad subject in the search box, something like "historical Montana photos" sometimes I enter a narrower topic like "historical Anaconda Montana photos."  I am never disappointed. It is fun to find subjects that are familiar and you give yourself a mental pat on the back when you recognize a person or place from Montana's past and it is exciting when a photo links you to a new destination or a new story.  

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