Saturday, January 21, 2012

Beating the Winter Blahs

For those of us who really enjoy traveling to historical spots in Montana, this is kind of the slow time of year. I have been feeling kind of cooped up restless.   I suppose it makes sense, considering the unpredictability of Montana weather, that there aren't many history related events scheduled during the winter.  Most of the smaller historical museums are closed until after Memorial Day but that doesn't mean that there isn't plenty for us to do. 

This is a good time make some plans for the spring and summer. By starting now, I can do any background reading and research I want to do before I visit a site.  I like to take a look at the schedule of events listed on Montana travel websites and other Montana history websites to see if any of them fit my schedule and my interests.  A good place to start is .  Many Montana cities and towns also have websites listing upcoming events.  I usually check them out for upcoming events if I am planing to visit. It is always fun just to surf through sites that have historical photos. 

Upcoming in February, Presidents Day weekend, Virginia City is hosting Virginia City Winterfest.  I have other plans for that weekend, but it sounds like lots of fun and it would be interesting to see what Virginia City is like in the winter. I would be interested in hearing from anyone who attends.

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