Monday, June 25, 2012

In Memory of the Fallen. The Battle of the Little Bighorn

This week marks the anniversary of the Battle of the Little Big Horn.  I will not go into the details of the battle, there are many books, articles and websites for anyone who wishes to learn more about this important  event in Montana and United States history.  I would be remiss, however, if I failed to show my respect for the fallen warriors on both sides of the battle.  While the Native Americans were the obvious victors in this battle, they eventually lost the war to protect their way of life.  There is no such thing as a good war, and one cannot help but mourn the loss of life when two cultures collide and cannot find a way to coexist.  Hopefully something can be learned, even a hundred and thirty-six years later, from this horrible battle so that those who perished did not do so in vain.

Memorial obelisk with the names of the officers, soldiers and civilians killed in the battle 

Indian Memorial at the Battlefield

Markers at the site of a Fallen Warrior,  a relatively new feature at the  Battlefield.

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