Monday, December 17, 2012

Montana County Name Quiz

As a diversion from all the holiday hustle and bustle, I thought you might enjoy a short quiz to test your knowledge of Montana County history.

1.  There are twenty six counties in Montana that were named for men, either directly or indirectly. (By indirectly, I mean that a county was named for a river or other feature that was named for a person.  An example would be Madison County which was named for the Madison River which was by the Lewis and Clark Expedition for then Secretary of State James Madison).  Only one Montana County was indirectly named for a woman. Can you name that county?

2.  Of the counties named for U.S. Presidents, which one bears the name of an assassinated president that did not play an important role in Montana history?

3.  Which county was named for an important religious figure who figured prominently  in Western Montana history?

4.  This is a hard one, don’t feel bad if you don’t get the answer.  Which county, formed in 1914, was named by a man who served in the state legislature from that county and later was quarantined there because he suffered from leprosy?  (I warned you it was a hard one.)

5.  Which county was named for the U.S. President who signed the bill making Montana a territory?

6.  Which county was named for a man who was a vigilante, a lawyer, first president of the Montana Historical Society, and  represented the state of Montana in the U.S. Senate?

7.  There were three counties whose names were chosen to attract homesteaders. Can you name at least two of them?

8.  Which county was named for a Montana Governor?

9.   This is another tricky one.  Which two counties were named for two men?

I will post the answers in a couple of days so that you can see how you did.

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