Monday, July 1, 2013

Kalispell Cemetery Tours

I learned of a series of Cemetery Tours this weekend while watching the evening news.  This time the tours take place in Kalispell at the C.E. Conrad Memorial Cemetery.  The most recent tour focused on the Women in Kalispell's history.  The next one, scheduled for July 20, 2013 at 10:00 am focuses on Civil War Veterans.  I love a good cemetery tour but I am afraid it is too far for me to travel for this one.

The thing that strikes me most about these tours is that the Cemetery Association is making sure that the stories of the people didn't die with them.  Everyone has a story and sadly those stories are seldom remembered for long after a person passes.  I have to admire the researchers who work to find the stories and pass them on. I also like that the tours each have a theme. I hope that this tradition of tours goes on for a long time. This is what history is really all about.

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