Friday, September 2, 2011

Bannack, Gold Camp and Montana's First Territorial Capital

This is a great time of year to visit Bannack State Park.  The Park is open year round and I have visited there during every season but Fall is my favorite.  After Labor Day the Visitor Center is only open on the weekends,  but I encourage you to visit on the weekdays if you have the luxury of doing so. You can have the place almost to yourself and it is easier to let your imagination take over if the only sounds you hear are the creek, the wind and the occasional sound of a maintenance worker going about his business. 

Bannack grew up along the banks of Grasshopper Creek after John White discovered gold there in 1862.  But rather than giving the history of the town I suggest that you visit the official website of Bannack State Park, there you can view a map of the town, take a photo tour and get all of the information about the park's hours and activities.

Watch for upcoming posts for some interesting stories of Bannack's history.

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