Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Another good read (or listen)

A few weeks ago I was browsing the new book section in my local library. I came across the book, The Last Stand: Custer, Sitting Bull, and the Battle of the Little Bighorn, by Nathaniel Philbrick. I hesitated for a few minutes because it was a one-week book and I wasn’t sure I had the time to finish it with all the other things projects I have in the works. After reading a few pages I knew that this account of the most famous battle in Montana history was one I didn’t want to miss, so I checked it out.

I have never been very interested in battles. Even though I have always found the Civil War and the Indian Wars fascinating, it wasn’t the battles themselves that intrigued me. I could never get into all the analyses of who-fell-where and battle strategies. For me, the causes and outcomes are infinitely more interesting. Philbrick’s objective account deals not only with the horrible devastion of June 25 and 26, 1876, but also with the events and ideas that led up to the battle. After finishing the book, a have a much better comprehension of both sides of the conflict.

I have to admit I was right about needing more than a week to finish the book but I did find a great solution. Instead of trying to find time to sit down to read, I downloaded the audio version and enjoyed listening to it while I walked to work. Listening to a good history book is almost as satisfying as reading one, except you don't get to look at the pictures.

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