Monday, August 15, 2011

Lantern Tour of Nevada City Montana

On the evening of September 3, the last of a series of Living History Lantern tours will be presented by the Montana Heritage Commission in Nevada City.  I have never attended one of these events but it sounds like something I would really enjoy.  Imagine touring Nevada City by lantern light while a guide shares stories about the night life when the town was bustling. The Jack Slade Story is the theme of the September 3 tour.  The tour starts out at the Music Hall at 9:30pm and last about 90 minutes. I don't know how large the crowds are for this tour, but it might be wise to show up a little early to assure a spot on the tour.  Adult tickets are $8 with reduced price for youth sixteen and under.

If you really want to make an evening of it, you could arrive in nearby Virginia City early enough to take a walking tour before it gets dark, then drive the short distance to Nevada City to take in the Lantern tour.  What a unique way to spend Saturday night.


  1. how many tours do they do or was this just a one time thing

  2. Lantern Tours of Nevada City are held once a month during the summer season. The dates for 2012 are June 23, July 21, Aug. 18,and Sept. 1. All tours start at 9pm from the Nevada City Music Hall, and take about 90 minutes. It is a chance to see what early Montana was like at night in a rip roaring gold mining camp.
