Thursday, August 11, 2011

Famous Fishermen

Yesterday I took my lunch and headed out to look for a spot to park along side the river to eat.  Now that the rivers are lower and running clearer, the fishing access sites are full of floaters and fishermen.  Even though I couldn't find a prime spot in the shade to eat my lunch, what with all the drift boat and raft trailers, I was still pleased to see them, because I am aware of what a big impact these people have on Montana's economy.

Always on the lookout for an interesting Montana history topic, it came to me that fishing in Montana has an interesting history of its own.  Dan Bailey, started his fly shop in Livingston back in 1938, the same year that Al Croonquist opened Camp Senia near Red Lodge and a few years later Bud Lilly opened his famous fly shop. 

While fly fishing is not one of my skills, the sight of a fisherman gracefully casting while standing waist deep in the river, is as much a part of summer for me as the smell of fresh cut hay or the sound of rolling thunder. I am looking forward to doing a little research to see what I can find about these famous fishermen.

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